The Problem

Historically, prolife advocates have had no system in place to track the journey with a client. This has limited the care we can offer because of insufficient documentation preventing our client from receiving a service or provision that is critical. We also lack the support and on-demand information for real-time resources

The Solution

Introducing the Genesis Network – customized software that aids in this process. Genesis Network is a groundbreaking cloud case management platform smartly designed to meet crisis pregnancy needs collaboratively while arming a unified pro-life alliance with hard data. Your record of services and conversations strengthens the case for the client. We want to serve well, we want to serve effectively, and we want to serve efficiently. Keeping good records empowers us to do so. Your good records also provide accurate data on a statewide and nationwide scale to improve service delivery and quality overall.
empowers Advocates to assess and identify the complex needs of vulnerable pregnant women and families
communicate vital needs instantly to Center staff
 monitor and track progress towards meeting needs as a coordinated care team
 collaborate with a national network to meet unmet needs, when necessary. 


Advocates only see their current assigned caseload.
Permission based user levels
Advocate, manager, supervisor
 Case management forms to create a care plan that is specific to each client they serve.
Each interaction is easily captured in real-time as Advocates input their interactions on any device including smartphones.
Reports are seamlessly captured based on services delivered.
Customized reports to measure your impact and share data with funders.

The Future

The technology powering this project is a tightly integrated, highly scalable cloud case management platform that unlocks collaborative leverage to solve old problems with innovation.
As this project unfolds, you will be able to answer questions like: “What was the impact of our work last year?” with just a couple of clicks. Real data in real time.

Genesis Network fuels it all—from the frontlines to the boardroom to the regional and national strategy. The result is a groundbreaking cloud platform that can dramatically change the landscape of the pro-life movement in our time.

With your help, we will scale innovative care delivery, accelerate the feedback loop, drive better outcomes for women in crisis, and strategically advance a culture of life with hard data—because there is strength in numbers and the mission of protecting life cannot be done in isolation.